Stop By & Talk to a Range Officer...

After the years-long property rights fight we've trudged through, with a membership that was once around 1200, and now barely a few dozen... We've come to recognize that this isn't just a social club—it's a family. We do not discriminate against people of any race, religion, lifestyle, gender or any other protected class.

However, all new member applicants are required to enter a two-year prospective period before petitioning the Club membership to move on in the process to Regular Membership.

Membership runs January 1st to December 31st. We sometimes run special membership application periods toward the end of a calendar year that incorporate the remaining months into the following year. Be sure to ask one of the club officers about it.

Current Dues:

Annual Dues: $60

Prospective one-time donation: $100

Participation Credits: We'd rather have your time than your money...

Each year, all members must donate a minimum of ten hours of participation, called a "credit." At the end of a year, unworked credits may be purchased for $25 each.

To be clear, KRRC is operating under an injunction that prohibits the discharge of firearms at this time, fighting for years to work through two lawsuits brought by your elected officials... We've built this Membership information section simply because we do, occasionally, meet folks who see beyond the mathematical value of dues paid.

Membership Pledge

It's about Quality, not Quantity. And nothing teaches you about Quality quite like a decade-long fight.

“I certify that I am an adult citizen or resident alien of the United States of America and that I am not a member of any group which advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force, or seeks to subvert the Rights and Principles set forth in the State and Federal Constitutions and the Declaration of Independence; that I have never been convicted of a felony; that I am not a drug addict or “habitual drunkard”, nor adjudged mentally incompetent; and that I am not now under indictment for a felony or gross misdemeanor involving deadly force. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws, Standard Operating Procedures of the club, and will faithfully endeavor to fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and citizenship.”